Our Projects
Our Youth Project
The past few months have shown that our project is immensely effective in engaging young people and providing a welcoming, safe space for them to grow and discover.
We have already started running five youth programmes:
• #ICE – a youth club for children with additional needs (age range 9 to 15 years).
• 11s – a youth club for children in school years 5 and 6.
• ‘15s’ in the next few weeks: a youth club for young people in years 7 and 8.
• HAF (Holiday, Activity and Food) – we delivered 4 sessions during the 2021 Christmas holidays (age range 11 to 18 years), especially targeted at families on low income.
• HYCC Days Away – day trips for children aged 9 to 18, low income families are offered tickets for £5 only.
We have had a lot of interest already and expect we will be running at full capacity soon. Our youth centre is a FANTASTIC VENUE with brilliant resources for young people; we have table tennis, air hockey, table football, gamming stations, chill out zone with lights, to list a few. We also have a beautiful modern kitchen area in which we run cooking activities and a tuck shop. Our outdoor multisport pitch is ideal for running various sports activities.
Since the beginning of the last three-year cycle of funding we have had lots to contend with and Hungerford Youth and Community Centre looks quite different now: we have an almost entirely new team of trustees, a new director and a new youth worker. Along with this, there is a renewed positive attitude to get the youth programme to where we want it to be.
Running the Community Centre
The centre provides a safe and cost effective venue for groups and individuals, many of whom would not be able to afford to run at other venues (we fully subsidise the cost of hiring the centre for our youth clubs – 100% reduction – and subsidise all other charitable bookings – 25% reduction). the centre hosts groups from photography, to toddler groups to band practice, dog training and more.
We run activities open to the community that provide things that they may otherwise have not had the opportunity to take part in, like Ice Skating. The community centre is also a resource that we have allowed other community groups to use for fundraising events free of charge. For example the Ukraine Appeal by SHAP and the Santa Fun Run by the Rotary Club.